
Why Retail Industry needs Distribution Management Software

Surbhi Bhadauria

Why Retail Industry needs Distribution Management Software

Distribution management software (DMS) solution provides visibility and control of inventory, orders, and fulfilment across multiple channels, stores, or warehouses. With these types of software solutions, brands and manufacturers can achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency that they would not be able to accomplish without them—no matter how hard they try.

Brands & Distributors need a DMS because of the challenges in their business operations. Wholesalers, intermediaries, and retailers have different requirements for their goods at different points in time. Brands also have different supply chain management requirements for their goods at different points in time.

A DMS can help retail businesses meet these requirements and overcome challenges. The following challenges arise in the retail industry:

  • Poor forecasting accuracy
  • Inefficient inventory management
  • Low productivity (in terms of picking, packing, and shipping)
  • Seasonal spikes in demand that cause delays in fulfilling orders
  • Long lead times at the distribution center
  • High inventory carrying costs
  • Poor customer service

Benefits of DMS in the Retail Industry

A DMS can help brands and distributors in managing the entire process of receiving an order, sending the order to the warehouse, picking the product from the warehouse, putting a tag on the product, and shipping the product to the customer.

It can help distributors in managing the inventory in the warehouse and find out which products are not selling well, which products are running out, or which products need to be replenished.

This software can also help distributors in forecasting demand, ordering products from the manufacturers, and managing inventory. Also, it can help retailers in managing the revenue in the business by helping in order management, inventory management, and billing.

Here are 7 main benefits of DMS in the retail industry:

1. Improved Customer Satisfaction

When your business provides the right products to the right customers at the right time, you can increase customer satisfaction. A DMS can help you in forecasting demand and supply, and do inventory management to meet customer demand. This can help you in delivering products to customers on time.

2. Improved Profitability

When you do inventory management and forecasting, you can improve profitability. This can help you make the right decisions regarding minimum inventory to meet customer demand.

3. Improved Supply Chain Management

When you manage your supply chain efficiently, you can improve customer satisfaction and profitability by reducing lead times. A DMS can help you in managing your supply chain.

4. Improved Operational Efficiency

When your business can manage operations efficiently, it can reduce costs, increase productivity, and improve operational efficiency. This can help you manage operations such as order management, inventory management, and revenue management.

5. Reduced Risk and Uncertainty

When your business can manage operations efficiently, it can reduce risk. This can help you avoid delays in shipments, increase revenue, and have better control over operations.

6. Reduced Costs

When your business can manage operations efficiently, it can avoid costs such as inventory carrying costs and purchasing costs. A DMS can help you in managing operations such as order management, inventory management, and revenue management.

7. Better Customer Experience

When your business can manage operations efficiently, it can reduce costs and deliver products on time. A DMS can help you in managing operations such as order management, inventory management, and revenue management.


The retail industry needs Distribution Management Software because of the challenges in their business operations. A DMS can help the retail industry overcome these challenges by improving customer satisfaction, profitability, supply chain management, operational efficiency, and reducing risk and uncertainty. Brands can manage the last mile distribution more efficiently with the help of a DMS.

If you want to learn more about the importance of DMS in the retail industry, feel free to talk to us.

Last Updated :
December 16, 2022
Published :

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